#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # Switch noisy drives out of the default storage groups during sleep period, # and set them to go to sleep. # # Intended to be run from a systemd timer unit. # # Author: J S Worthington # Created: 2019-08-30 # ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Imports ############################################################################## from enum import Enum import asyncio import lxml import os import shlex import subprocess import sys import time import MythTV import MythTV.services_api.send as api import MythTV.services_api.utilities as util ############################################################################## # Version 1.0 - First version. # Version 1.1 - Convert to Python 3. # Version 1.2 - Tidy up. # Version 1.3 - Add rec5. # Version 1.4 - Remove Seagate drives, add new WD drives with 5 second PWL. # - Spin down noisy drives during quiet period to prevent PWL # noise. # Version 1.5 - Add Noisy and Quiet commands. Add Seagate drives again. # Version 1.6 - Add spinning up of drives. # Version 1.7 - Ensure partitions are mounted. # Version 1.8 - Fix for start/stop times on either side of midnight. # - Update default start/stop times. # Version 1.9 - Run drive operations in parallel. ############################################################################## VERSION = 1.9 ############################################################################## # Configuration ############################################################################## # Start and stop times for only using the quiet drives. DEFAULT_QUIET_START = '23:03:00' DEFAULT_QUIET_STOP = '11:00:00' # Left end of mythconverg.storagegroup.dirname string to match for noisy drives. #dirname_match = ['/mnt/rec1', '/mnt/rec2', '/mnt/rec3', '/mnt/rec5', '/mnt/rec7'] dirname_match = ['/mnt/rec2', '/mnt/rec3', '/mnt/rec5', '/mnt/rec7'] # The IP address of the mythbackend to talk to. Default: HOST = '' # hdparm -S sleep timeout value (12 => 12*5 = 60 seconds). SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 12 ############################################################################## # Constants ############################################################################## TIME_FORMAT = '%H:%M:%S' ############################################################################## # Debug ouput support. ############################################################################## DEBUG_OUTPUT = True program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if DEBUG_OUTPUT: import datetime global noisy_drives_debug noisy_drives_debug = None def dprint_init(): global noisy_drives_debug if noisy_drives_debug == None: noisy_drives_debug = open('/var/log/mythtv/noisy-drives-debug.log', 'w', 1) dprint(program_name + ' debug output started') def dprint(s): global noisy_drives_debug if noisy_drives_debug != None: print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3] + ' ' + s, file=noisy_drives_debug) else: def dprint_init(): pass def dprint(): pass ############################################################################## # Read config.xml file to get database settings only (other settings ignored). ############################################################################## class ConfigXml: DBHostName = 'localhost' DBUsername = 'mythtv' DBPassword = 'mythtv' DBName = 'mythconverg' DBPort = 3306 _conf_trans = { 'Host':'DBHostName', 'UserName':'DBUserName', 'Password':'DBPassword', 'DatabaseName':'DBName', 'Port':'DBPort' } def readXML(self, filename): if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK): dprint('File ' + filename + ' not accessible!') return False try: config = lxml.etree.parse(filename) for child in config.xpath('/Configuration/Database')[0].getchildren(): if child.tag in self._conf_trans: #dprint('child.tag=' + str(child.tag)) setattr(self, self._conf_trans[child.tag], child.text) except Exception as e: dprint(str(e)) dprint('lxml.etree.parse failed') return False return True ############################################################################## # Backend class. Handles communication with a backend and database selected # using a config.xml file. If no config.xml file is provided, the local # database and backend are used. ############################################################################## class Backend(): def __init__(self): pass def init(self, config_xml=''): dprint('config_xml="' + config_xml + '"') self.config_xml = config_xml if self.config_xml != '': self.remote_config = ConfigXml() if not self.remote_config.readXML(self.config_xml): dprint('Failed to read or correctly parse ' + self.config_xml + ' file, using ' + HOST) self.config_xml = '' self.host = HOST # dprint(str(self.remote_config.DBHostName)) # dprint(str(self.remote_config.DBUsername)) # dprint(str(self.remote_config.DBPassword)) # dprint(str(self.remote_config.DBName)) # dprint(str(self.remote_config.DBPort)) self.host = self.remote_config.DBHostName dprint('self.host = ' + self.host) else: self.host = HOST self.backend = api.Send(self.host) # Initialise the UTCOffset so that the conversion to local time works. api.Send(self.host) util.get_utc_offset(self.backend) # Connect to the database. if self.config_xml != '': self.db = MythTV.MythDB( DBHostName = self.remote_config.DBHostName, DBUsername = self.remote_config.DBUsername, DBPassword = self.remote_config.DBPassword, DBName = self.remote_config.DBName, DBPort = self.remote_config.DBPort ) else: self.db = MythTV.MythDB() self.dbc = self.db.cursor() self.dbc1 = self.db.cursor() ############################################################################## # Process a time argument. ############################################################################## def time_arg(arg): return time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.strptime(arg, TIME_FORMAT)) ############################################################################## # Run a system command asyncronously. ############################################################################## async def run(cmd): proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE ) out, err = await proc.communicate() return proc, out, err ############################################################################## # Set the hdparm -S sleep timeout settings for a drive. If waking up the # drive, also ensure it is spun up and the partition is mounted. ############################################################################## async def set_sleep_timeout(drive, hdparm_S): if not os.path.ismount(drive): result, out, err = await run('mount ' + drive) if result.returncode != 0: dprint('Error: mount ' + drive + ' failed, return code ' + str(result.returncode) + ' Output: ' + out.decode() + ' ' + err.decode()) else: dprint('Partition ' + drive + ' was mounted correctly') command = 'dev-mounted ' + drive result, out, err = await run(command) device = out.decode().rstrip('\n') if device == '': dprint('Error ' + drive + ' not mounted ') else: command = 'hdparm -S ' + str(hdparm_S) + ' ' + device result, out, err = await run(command) if result.returncode != 0: dprint('Error: hdparm -S failed, return code ' + str(result.returncode) + ' Output: ' + out.decode() + ' ' + err.decode()) else: dprint('Sleep setting for ' + drive + ' (' + device + ') was set correctly') dprint('Output: ' + out.decode() + ' ' + err.decode()) if hdparm_S == 0: # Do an uncached raw read from the drive to spin it up. command = 'dd if=' + device + ' bs=4096 count=1 of=/dev/null iflag=direct' result, out, err = await run(command) if result.returncode != 0: dprint('Error: dd command to spin up drive failed, return code ' + str(result.returncode) + ' Output: ' + out.decode() + ' ' + err.decode()) else: dprint('Drive ' + drive + ' (' + device + ') was spun up correctly') dprint('Output: ' + out.decode() + ' ' + err.decode()) ############################################################################## # Set the hdparm -S sleep timeout settings for the drives mounted on list of # mount points, in parallel. ############################################################################## async def set_sleep_timeouts(hdparm_S): tasks = [] for drive in dirname_match: task = asyncio.create_task(set_sleep_timeout(drive, hdparm_S)) tasks.append(task) await asyncio.gather(*tasks) ############################################################################## # Check for a match up to the length of the left argument. ############################################################################## def match_left(left: str, right: str): match_len = len(right) left_len = len(left) if left_len < match_len: match_len = left_len return left[0:match_len].lower() == right[0:match_len].lower() ############################################################################## # Main ############################################################################## class Force(Enum): Do_Not_Force = 0 Quiet = 1 Noisy = 2 dprint_init() force: Force = Force.Do_Not_Force quiet_start = time_arg(DEFAULT_QUIET_START) quiet_stop = time_arg(DEFAULT_QUIET_STOP) args = len(sys.argv) if args == 2: if match_left(sys.argv[1], 'noisy'): force = Force.Noisy elif match_left(sys.argv[1], 'quiet'): force = Force.Quiet if force == Force.Do_Not_Force: if args > 3: print('Error: Too many arguments!') exit(1) if args > 1: quiet_start = time_arg(sys.argv[1]) if args == 3: quiet_stop = time_arg(sys.argv[2]) now = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) dprint(f'{now=}') dprint(f'{quiet_start=}') dprint(f'{quiet_stop= }') dprint(f'{force=}') be = Backend() be.init('/etc/mythtv/config.xml') if force == Force.Quiet or force == Force.Do_Not_Force and ( (quiet_start <= quiet_stop and now >= quiet_start and now < quiet_stop) or (quiet_start > quiet_stop and ((now >= quiet_start and now <= '23:59:59') or (now < quiet_stop))) ): dprint('Quiet') sql = "SELECT * FROM storagegroup WHERE LEFT(groupname, 7) = 'Default' and (" for match in dirname_match: sql += "LEFT(dirname, " + str(len(match)) + ") = '" + match + "' or " dprint('sql=' + sql) sql = sql[:-4:] + ')' dprint('sql=' + sql) result = be.dbc.execute(sql) if result == 0: dprint('Noisy drives not in default') else: for fetched in be.dbc: sql = "UPDATE storagegroup SET groupname='Noisy' WHERE id=" + str(fetched[0]) dprint(sql) be.dbc1.execute(sql) asyncio.run(set_sleep_timeouts(SLEEP_TIMEOUT)) elif force != Force.Quiet: dprint('Noisy') result = be.dbc.execute("SELECT * from storagegroup WHERE groupname='Noisy'") if result == 0: dprint('Noisy group is empty') else: sql = "UPDATE storagegroup SET groupname='Default' WHERE groupname='Noisy' and not dirname like '%_crw-pvr%'" dprint(sql) be.dbc1.execute(sql) sql = "UPDATE storagegroup SET groupname='Default_crw-pvr' WHERE groupname='Noisy' and dirname like '%_crw-pvr%'" dprint(sql) be.dbc1.execute(sql) asyncio.run(set_sleep_timeouts(0))